Thursday, September 14, 2017

Exit Slip

Education goes two-ways. The teacher can learn from the students just as how students can learn from the teacher. The understanding process goes both ways. A teacher needs to make sure he or she is understood by the students, whether it's pronounciation, content, or concepts. At the same time, the teacher needs to understand the students too. Rather than trying to forcefully steer the direction of study, going with the flow of the students can be also very benefitial. However, there has to be a balance between how much teachers stick to their ideas and how much they follow's the students. Hence, preparation, back-up plans, and multiple methods are important in teaching. 
How much should we adapt to the students? To what extend should we make them feel that we are close to them? There are underlying dangers and risks when talking about yourself and your story to students. One must consider not only the need of the students but also the parents, because of the related laws in that aspect. 

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